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End of year reflections

As 2019 comes to an end, the team at Collective Possibilities would like to wish you, our valued clients, supporters and your families, Peace, Joy and Prosperity.

We hope that over the Christmas and new year period you take some time to relax and regenerate doing the things you enjoy with those you love.

We look forward to collaborating with you in 2020.


Taking a Break From Work (and Why You Need It)

We all need to take a break sometimes. Oddly, though, many people let their holiday leave stack up, unused. Whether you take a vacation, a staycation, or a playcation, it’s important to take a break from the job, the routine, and the demands of life in order to keep stress levels in check.

Everyone knows why holidays are great, right? They are fun (usually) and relaxing (usually) and importantly the serve as an important disruption from the routine  of work (no matter how much you might love it). Breaks give your mind and body a well deserved hiatus.  There are some surprising side benefits of making a getaway.  Fun fact – research suggests that holdiays from work can cut your risk of heart attack.  Taking an opportunity to de-stress and spend time with loved ones can lower the risk of heart attack by 30 percent for men and a whopping 50 percent for women. So ladies, and gents, start  planning a holiday now – your body and your family will thank you.

Studies have also shown that holidays restock your energy stores and provide perspective, which makes work seem easier when you do return to the office. Take a trip, come home, and hit the ground running!

Need more convincing? When we take a break, we’re not shirking responsibility; we’re taking care of ourselves so we’ll have the stamina to be our best. Click here to find out more reasons why it’s important to take a break.