What's New

Pay it forward mentoring program

Welcome to the November newsletter!

This month it’s all about paying it forward. In my personal and professional life, I have been privileged to receive emotional support, encouragement and straight forward advice, delivered at just the right time, from some amazing people. These formal and informal mentors have challenged, inspired and believed in my ability and capacity. This has been especially valuable to me, particularly when I felt stuck, demotivated or confused about who I am and the  value I if offer through my business.

So I am excited to launch our Pay it Forward Mentoring Program. I encourage you to drop me an email if you are interested in participating. Read on to find out more.


Pay it forward mentoring program

Research testifies to the various positive outcomes associated with mentoring, be they motivational, behavioral, emotional and career progression. As I said in my introduction I can attest to these benefits, and more, through my participation in mentoring relationships, as both a  protege and as a mentor..

In the last five or so years at Collective Possibilities we have been receiving regular requests from our clients about the possibility of introducing them to a suitable mentor. These requests have made us realise how many amazing people we know who have a wealth of experience to share that would benefit people who are looking to develop themselves in their careers. So we have created the “Pay It Forward Mentoring Program” which seeks to match people with an appropriate mentor.

How does it work?
Mentors make a commitment for around 12 months to be available as a potential mentor for one person. When we receive a request for a mentor we match suitable people together and put them in contact with one another. After this initial contact, it is up to the mentee to arrange a meeting with the mentor. The ongoing mentoring relationship is then driven by the mentee and their needs. If either person does not feel that they are a suitable match we can suggest another mentor. To be eligible for this program, the proteges (mentees) agree to mentor others and so, with our help, they pay it forward as well.

What’s in it for us?
Collective Possibilities does not charge for this matching service, we are merely formalising a currently informal process we have already been facilitating, to ensure that we can readily respond to requests when we receive them. We see this as a valuable way to pay It forward to the community we operate within.

Click here to find out more about the program and to meet the mentors.

Some feedback from our recent Mentor / Mentee relationship:

‘Pay it Forward mentoring provided a terrific opportunity to share my experience and insights in local government with a professional from a very different Council and area of expertise.  I have found my mentee to be passionate and inspiring, and as is so often the case I have learnt as much from her as I hope she has from me.  This has been a great experience that I would highly recommend to others.’

– Kerryn, Mentor

‘Intentionally seeking and then accepting the opportunity to have a mentor has already increased my confidence in my career trajectory. My mentor has an impressive breadth of experience and her insights have been so valuable. It feels so supportive to have someone interested to help you explore questions and spend time developing your focus. Thank you to Pay it forward mentoring… for growth in my awareness and aspirations.’

– Anita, Mentee