The emotional labour of leadership

Much of my work is centred on supporting those who exercise leadership to take up their roles in ways that inspire willing, rather than coerced followership. To this end, my work also has a focus on facilitating, for the leader, a deep sense of awareness of their character and emotional health and how this translates […]

What does it mean to be a compassionate and courageous leader?

Compassion and courage is mobilised when the leader engages competently with their three centres of intelligence: 1.knowing (analytical): competencies include cognitive and intentional attunement, mindfulness, courage calculation, entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial zest 2.being (relational): competencies include emotional literacy, self regulation, sitting in the fire, cultivating restfulness 3.doing (instinctual): competencies include social responsibility, advocacy, negative capability, perseverance To lead […]